Journey to the full macaron
The Full Vegan Macaron
Full macarons are so satisfying
How many of you have tried baking vegan macarons and found that it was hollow when it came to the crunch?
Well don’t worry you aren’t the only one! I still go through the pain of that literally deflating experience sometimes.
I have however, experimented and refined my recipe to reduce the chances of that happening.
I will share some of my experiences on the journey to the fullest vegan macaron.
I use the traditional Italian meringue method where the meringue is made with a sugar syrup. What I discovered was that the temperature at which you pour the syrup in to the whipped egg-replacer plays a major role in success. You need an accurate digital thermometer to start with. Having good tools is really important in the process and precision is important. I boil my sugar and water mixture to 119.5C and then immediately remove it off the heat. This is because the syrup keeps heating and goes up to a higher temperature. I then watch the temperature like a hawk until it settles to near 121C as it cools. That’s when I pour the syrup in nice and slow, with a lot of love and care, to the slowly mixing meringue. Once it’s all in increase the whisking speed to max until the meringue reaches room temperature, checked by touching the mixing bowl.
Macronage the meringue in with the almond and sugar marzipan paste along with your chosen colour and pipe on your choice of silicone mat or parchment paper.
I have a two step bake process and I have to say you have to play with your oven settings to see what the right temperature and timing is. I bake for 20 minutes at 120C and then reduce the heat to 100C for a further 10 to 15 minutes without opening the oven door. As I said this is where you have to play around…I can’t give away all my secrets ;-) but I can share some gems from my experiences as you all fall in and out of love of making your vegan macarons.
Go one have a go! It is so much fun especially when you see the final result.
Lots of love
Jyoti xxx